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Ill get the urge to just disappear, become one with the air and fly away. Some days I just get in my car and let my thoughts take me. Ill end up at a new coffee shop, colorful walls, minimalist furniture, and egotistical signs referencing classic movies. Some days Ill end up at the beach. The sky gray, the wind cold, feelings matching the atmosphere. I stay there for hours until my phone dies and I panic going home.

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Send it to five of your friends and ask them to pass it on. The Web is critical not merely to the digital revolution but to our continued prosperityand even our liberty. Like democracy itself, it needs defendingThe world wide web went live, on my physical desktop in Geneva, Switzerland, in December 1990. It consisted of one Web site and one browser, which happened to be on the same computer. The simple setup demonstrated a profound concept: that any person could share information with anyone else, anywhere. In this spirit, the Web spread quickly from the grassroots up.

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Protecting cities from civil liability is one reason that judges give special credence to the police version of events, even if there is evidence that contradicts it, said David Dorfman, a law professor at Pace Law School in New York. Dorfman continues to practice in city courtrooms through the universitys legal clinic. He also is the author of a widely cited report on false police testimony, Proving the Lie: Litigating Police Credibility. Someone who is wrongly arrested can bring a civil suit against the police department and the city. The most common claims are false arrest, malicious prosecution, and, if the defendant is roughed up, excessive force or police brutality. Because of that legal liability, it is important to the city that the person be convicted on some chargeany chargeto show that the arrest was justified, said Dorfman, who was speaking generally and not about any particular case. Common charges are things like disorderly conduct, interfering with police, resisting arrest and assault. The practice is so common that its gotten a name in the legal community: cover charges, Dorfman said. The first thing a criminal conviction of any kind does is make it tough to find a lawyer to bring a lawsuit for excessive force or false arrest, he said. Since most defendants cannot afford a lawyer, their only chance to get one to file the lawsuit is through a contingency fee, wherein the attorney is paid a percentage of the damages collected. Few attorneys will take an excessive force or false arrest case on a contingency basis if there is a conviction against the defendant.

Sierra College Course Catalog

Books and magazines in this vein were targeted largely at young girls and included spells for attracting or repelling boyfriends, money spells, and home protection spells. He also termed with New Age Witchcraft, and compared individuals involved in this to the participants in the New Age. Wicca was founded in England between 1921 and 1950, representing what the historian Ronald Hutton called the only full formed religion which England can be said to have given the world. Characterised as an invented tradition by scholars, Wicca was created from the patchwork adoption of various older elements, many taken from pre existing religious and esoteric movements. Pearson characterised it as having arisen from the cultural impulses of the fin de sicle. Wicca took as its basis the witch cult hypothesis. This was the idea that those persecuted as witches during the early modern period in Europe were not, as the persecutors had claimed, followers of Satanism, nor were they innocent people who confessed to witchcraft under threat of torture, as had long been the historical consensus, but rather that they were adherents of a surviving pre Christian pagan religion. This theory had been first expressed by the German Professor Karl Ernest Jarcke in 1828, before being endorsed by German Franz Josef Mone and then the French historian Jules Michelet. In the late 19th century it was then adopted by two Americans, Matilda Joslyn Gage and Charles Leland, the latter of whom promoted a variant of it in his 1899 book, Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches. The theorys most prominent advocate was the English Egyptologist Margaret Murray, who promoted it in a series of books most notably 1921s The Witch Cult in Western Europe and 1933s The God of the Witches. Almost all of Murrays peers regarded the witch cult theory as incorrect and based on poor scholarship.

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More ?It's that strange time of year, the lull between Christmas and New Year, when you're not really celebrating but not really working either. So, how about you wrap your brain around the world's hardest logic puzzle to keep yourself amused?Y'know, just for fun. More ?When you're obsessed with finding the most awesome gadgets and devices, there's nothing more heartbreaking than the word "concept. " Not only does it mean you're not going to find a given device in stores it usually means you're never going to find it anywhere. More ?You already saw Apple's selection for best apps of the year 2012 which were kind of crappy and ridiculous. Here's Google's own list of best apps for Android. It's not much better than Apple's. Check them out and tell us what you think in the comments. More ?Remember that fake image of a Dubai shopping mall flooded by a broken shark tank?Well, it has happened for real inside a shopping center in Shanghai, China, where 33 tons of water and three sharks invaded the mall after the glass shattered into multiple deadly shards. There are 15 people injured. More ?2012 is almost over.

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